Tuesday, September 25, 2007

4 flat squares problem

By using 4 flat squares of the same dimension, create a graphic image to express the meaning of each of the following six words:


Analysis: The intention of this problem is to develop a geometric idiom through the discovery of the various 2 dimensional design principles needed to extend a limited graphic vocabulary. The necessary principles include: framal reference; touching; overlapping and cropping of forms; illusory space; contrast of elements in terms of size, direction, space, and position; and the dynamic of negative/positive relationshipsThe discoveries result from experimentation with the interrelationships of forms, a vital experience for the growth of a designer developing a personal, formal style. Combining these principles can further expand a mere graphic vocabulary into a comprehensive, abstract graphic language, maximizing the possibilities for graphic expression.Notes: Because design skills become more comprehensive by creating several solutions for single problem, selecting the most effective solution is an important condition explored through this assignment.Through the use of perspective, the four squares can of differing sizes, furthering the range of possible solution.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Skills Canada Promotional Package Project

To develop material promoting careers in skilled trades and technologies as a viable and successful choice for students to pursue. The target age group for this material is 14-21 years old. It is NOT intended to promote the competition.

Design, graphics and layout skills used to create the promotional package. Use the theme and phrase “Be part of the Domino Effect”Participants will create a visual concept that will be applied to a poster, brochure and a website home page. The phrase and Skills Canada – Ontario logo are the only required elements. Additional copy/text/images can be included to support the concept

All material must reflect the theme and be consistent in content. The design used must be the original and creative work of the individual competitor. Stock photography and illustration is acceptable, as well as student originals. Design and copy art may be generated by hand or by using electronic equipment and appropriate software. Full colour may be used in the material.
The poster dimensions: 10" by 16” to allow for full bleed and trim. The poster can be either horizontal or vertical. The brochure cover dimensions: 3.7” wide by 8.5” highThe website homepage dimensions: 8” wide by 6” highAll three pieces are to be mounted on a black display board: 24” by 24”

Total Possible score is 100%.
Presentation: includes personal and material presentation /10
Concept: includes verbal explanation, roughs and research/20
Design: includes overall concept, successful application to each of the three individual elements as well as consistency of design/70

The student shall be prepared to participate in an interview component during which time the student will describe their concepts and how they conform to the theme. The presentation and interview will be 10-15 minutes in length. Students must bring an 8.5" x 11" notebook containing roughs showing concept and layout development. Students selected for the interview may not participate in another contest at the skills competition.
A letter signed by an administrator certifying that the promotional package was designed and produced by the student will be the first page of the notebook. The letter must identify the college or school, city and the student that will be interviewed.
The promotional package must be set up and moved according to the schedule outlined by Skills Canada - Ontario. Instruction for set up will be given at the Orientation meeting.
Skills Canada - Ontario reserves the right to reproduce any of the promotional packages in whole or in part without the permission of the student, but will acknowledge the creator on the reproduction.

The Skills Canada – Ontario logo and the ‘Domino Effect’ logo are available for use by Mac or PC file format. Specify your file preference as EPS, TIF or JPEG and what platform you are using (Mac or PC).

DURATION: The student shall be prepared to present their final concepts and respond to questions from the instructor. The presentation and question period will be 10 -15 minutes in length. A schedule will be determined at the orientation meeting.

Scopes: http://www.skillsontario.com/competitions/contest_scopes_2006_secondary.html

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Magazine Cover Critique Review

On Friday Sept 14th Period two grade 12 communications technology students will be presenting your cover design or designs to the class. Please be prepare to discuss the following topics:

1)How did you come up with your idea?
2)What kind of fonts did you used? How did you use your fonts, or type of fonts in your design?
3)What colours did you use and why?
4)Who is your Target audience?
5)Describe the type of readers that would be subscribing to your magazine?
6)Did you have any issues (software or hardware) when completing this assignment?

Please complete these questions and upload your final design(s) to blogger site no later then Friday Sept 14.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the instructor.

Web resources:
1)Graphic Design profile from skills Canada
2)Printing technology
3)Topic on Prepress

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mr. Padilla asks....

What one thing did you learn today?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 Photoshop Digital Collage (Bonus Marks)

Today is Tuesday Sept 11, 2007 and your Photoshop Digital collage assignment is to create a memorial collage reflecting the events of 9/11. You can use any found images. Be creative! Make your collage reflective and personal.

Your blog writing reflection is on the topic of War. Is War justified? What does our Christian teachings tell us about War? Your writing reflection should be 300 to 500 words in length. Please upload your collage to your blogger account.

9/11 resources

Friday, September 7, 2007

Safety on the Web Lesson

Mr. Padilla is very concerned about saftey on the Web. I want to ensure a safe learning environment for everyone. Insure that Permission setting on you blogger site is set to Private "Only people I invite".

Delete any blogs that have personal information or keep it in Private and not Public setting. If you are unsure about content you come across please report it to Mr. Padilla immediately. Please report any violators to the rules.

Please follow these Personal Safety and Privacy rules:

I will not give out any personal information online without my parents’ permission. This includes my name, phone number, address, e-mail, location of my school, my parents’ work address/telephone numbers, credit card number information, and my picture.

I will not arrange to meet a friend I have made on the Internet unless one of my parents has been informed and will be present.

I will not send any annoying messages to anyone.

I will not post or send insulting or rude messages or threats to anyone online.

I will always use a pretend name or nickname that doesn’t reveal anything about me.I will not respond to any message that makes me uncomfortable.

I will show an adult right away.

Please read the TCDSB and Blogger Content and Privacy Policy
1. http://www.blogger.com/content.g
2. http://www.blogger.com/privacy
3. http://www.tcdsb.org/policyregister/AUP/Personal%20safety.htm

Posted by Mr. Padilla

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Challenge 1: Design a Magazine Cover (mini project)

Magazine cover must be eye-catching because they sell the magazines at newsstands. Have you ever wondered how editors agree on the cover design? What sells? Is a single image best or a collage of images? Good cover design is vital for a successful magazine.

You will produce a magazine cover using computer software to select, edit and position photographs, text, and graphics.

What You Need to Know
-Basic understanding of the technological process
-How to research information using both print and electronic sources
-Basic sketching and drawing skills
-Basic understanding of the principles of design
-how to use software
-your school's policies on computer use
-safety procedures and guidelines

You will create a magazine cover using software to manipulate the images and position the text. Your disign should have the following characteristics:

-The magazine cover fits on a 21.6cm X 27.9cm (8.5in X 11in.) page
-The cover has a theme or introduces a topic.
-The cover includes a title, some text, and a least one photograph
-All of the cover design elements work well together and relate to a theme or topic
-The format is easy to read
-The cover conforms to all school policies regarding printed information

Some web resources:

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Summer Break Reflection Assignment

Write a reflection about your summer holiday. Your reflection should be thoughtful, accurate and concise. Please include:

1) What you did this summer
2) any discoveries you've made
3)what you want to accomplish this up coming school year
4)1 Image if you have any to share.

P.SMake sure you post your reflection on your blog. I look forward to reading your entries. This assignment is out of 10 and should be 300 -500 words in length.

Course Outline

This course examines communications systems and design and production processes in the areas of electronic, live, recorded and graphic communications. Students create, manage and distribute complex electronic, graphic, recorded or audio-visual projects independently and in project teams.

Students also study industry standards and regulations, and health and safety issues, as well as explores careers, the importance of lifelong learning and the impact of communications technology on society and the environment.

This course profile provides a framework for extending and deepening the skills and knowledge students have developed in Grade 11 Communications Technology. Students are required to design and create products using audio/visual, graphic and interactive technologies. There are four units of study emphasizing the theory and applications of live, recorded, electronic and graphic communication processes. Units are organized to provide practical contexts for the application of advanced skills and knowledge. Activities within each unit provide opportunities for students to acquire and demonstrate understanding of the practices and underlying principles of complex technological processes. Students are expected to build upon their existing skills and knowledge, especially with regard to their ability to design, plan and carry out self-initiated projects.

In this Course Profile, each unit of study focuses predominantly on a curricular strand. Unit 1 is concerned with the impact and consequences of the use and development of communication technologies. Units 2 and 4 focus on the application of skills and processes. Unit 3 deals with the technological design process and knowledge of graphic communication processes. This method of organization stems from a consideration of how to generate meaningful learning activities from logical clusters of expectations within relevant projects that are largely student-initiated. The course consists of coherent units of study based on projects and applications that can be realistically undertaken in a high school. Expectations have been grouped and sequenced to promote efficient and practical assessment of significant learning activities. In Unit 1, for example, expectations relating to safety, impacts and education/training have been gathered into a coherent exploration of the social and economic context of the technologies and practices they will use in the course.

Full Course Profile available here