Thursday, November 1, 2007

Design a Website Homepage

Firstly: Read the following link for tips on how to design a website page: click here. Read and make notes on key points (5marks)

Secondly: Go to the world wide web and search for 3 other websites (what you think are examples of fantastic web designs) and write a 300 word essay explaining why you think your selected websites are great designs. (20marks)

Thirdly: Go to the web and search for the worse website design. Using Photoshop CS2 re-design that website. (50marks)

Options: You can re-design the school website.:
or Create a personal website of your choice

Enjoy and have fun!! Once you have completed your re-design upload you final design on you blog site.

Some cool homepages: click here

Due Date for website designs are:
Draft 1 Nov 30th
Draft 2 Dec 7
Final Due date Dec 19th